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Neurovascular interventional procedures

Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that treats conditions and diseases of the brain and nervous system. Radiology is a medical specialty that helps diagnose and treat conditions and diseases using various radiology techniques.

Endovascular neurosurgery is a subspecialty within neurosurgery. It uses catheters and radiology to diagnose and treat various conditions and diseases of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. This medical specialty is also called neurointerventional surgery.

Interventional neuroradiology is a subspecialty within radiology. It also involves catheters and radiology to diagnose and treat neurological conditions and diseases.

The term endovascular means “inside a blood vessel.” Endovascular neurosurgery uses tools that pass through the blood vessels to diagnose and treat diseases and conditions rather than using open surgery. The surgeon often uses radiology images to help him or her to see the part of the body involved in the procedure.

Healthcare providers in these specialties may also diagnose and treat conditions of the spinal cord using similar techniques, although not through a blood vessel.